Voter Behaviour

From 2010 to 2015, we are conducting 27 pre- and post-election online surveys on representative samples of the population of 10 regions in Europe and Canada. The questionnaires are focused on voter behaviour and on the impact of the specific electoral context on this behaviour. Questions for instance revolve around the understanding of the electoral system or the expectations concerning the electoral outcome.

Two regions in five countries are covered. For each region, around 1,000 voters are interviewed during the last week of the election campaign. The same voters are then re-interviewed the days following the Election Day.

In Bavaria, we are conducting a five-wave panel survey. The same respondents are interviewed five times between September 2013 and June 2014: (1) before the regional election, (2) in between the regional and the national election, (3) after the national election, (4) before the European election, and (5) after the European election.

The questionnaires of surveys already conducted are available below. The data are available upon request to André Blais. Requests should include the abstract of a potential publication making use of these data.


Lower Saxony State election (Jan. 2013)
Lower Saxony Federal election (Sep. 2013)
Lower Saxony European election (May 2014)
Bavaria State/Federal/European elections (Sep. 2013 - May 2014)
Zurich Cantonal election (Apr. 2011)
Lucerne Cantonal election (Apr. 2011)
Zurich Federal election (Oct. 2011)
Lucerne Federal election (Oct. 2011)
Ontario Provincial election (Oct. 2011)
Quebec Provincial election (Sep. 2012)
Ontario Federal election (Oct. 2015)
Quebec Federal election (Oct. 2015)
British Columbia Federal election (Oct. 2015)
Catalonia National election (Nov. 2011)
Madrid National election (Nov. 2011)
Catalonia Regional election (Nov. 2012)
Catalonia European election (May 2014)
Madrid European election (May 2014)
Madrid Regional election (May 2015)
Ile-de-France Legislative election (Jun. 2012)
Provence Legislative election (Jun. 2012)
Paris Municipal election (Mar. 2014)
Marseille Municipal election (Mar. 2014
Ile-de-France European election (May 2014)
Provence European election (May 2014)
Aggregated dataset


Team members

This component of the study is under the joint direction of Professors André Blais and Elisabeth Gidengil.

The following researchers are also involved: Christopher Achen, Christopher Anderson, Indridi Indridason, Hanspeter Kriesi, Ignacio Lago, and Laura Stephenson.

Laura Stephenson, Martial Foucault, Thomas Gschwend, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Ignacio Lago are responsible for engaging translation services and making adjustments so that each survey fits the local context.